Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Human Cost of Cheap Clothes and Cheap Food

Recently it has been found that there are unsafe levels of arsenic in our rice. Arsenic is a known carcinogen.  Nearly 300 workers died recently in a Pakistani textile factory fire due to unsafe working conditions.  The factory in Pakistan was manufacturing clothing for Americans.  Americans demand cheap goods while ignoring the cost to human life.  At what point will Americans finally decide that enough is enough and demand goods and services that are not made simply to be cheap, but made to be sustainable and good for us?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Tongue Tie the Undiagnosed Bane of Breastfeeding 05/20 by ProgressiveParenting | Blog Talk Radio

Tongue Tie the Undiagnosed Bane of Breastfeeding 05/20 by ProgressiveParenting | Blog Talk Radio

Not sure how long this will be available but this interview answers a lot of questions for me.  My daughter nursed until she was 23 months old.  She was never easy to nurse.  I always had to support my breast and assist with her latch.  Although breastfeeding her was challenging at times, that didn't take away from my enjoyment of it and my daughter asking for it when she was a toddler nursing.

In this interview with Jennifer Tow, BFA, IBCLC,  she discusses how tongue-tie is sometimes linked to a baby's slow weight gain, difficulty nursing, reflux, problems taking a bottle, early weaning, and speech problems later on.  She also speaks about how tongue-tie revisions should be minimally invasive and that it's important to find the right ENT to do them. Surprisingly, not all ENTs are even aware of the various types of tongue ties nor how to correct them in a simple way (i.e. - no stitches, using laser for the surgery.)

Fascinating and informative!